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Match Report : Bury vs Old Bedians

Match Report : Bury vs Old Bedians

Max Massey12 Feb - 09:37
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Bonus point secured, after a dominant performance.

By Joey Bithell

After a convincing 17 – 49 away win at Old Bedians in October, Bury sure were looking confident going into this game. Bury knew the task at hand and with the home crowd in full voice Bury got on with the job.

Bedians start pressuring early from kick off with a slight wind in the air, testing the resolve of even the best kickers. Some aggressive line breaks to get over the gain line set up the opposition in Bury’s half and forcing the home side to defend profusely. Phase after phase they keep knocking on the door and gain a penalty advantage for not releasing the man on the floor. An early penalty in the Bury 22 turns to three points as the Bedians kicker holds his nerve. Bedians through no real ingenuity take the lead early on, bury need to respond. Bury straight from the kick off need to fight back and get some points on the board. Bury through some front foot strong carries start poking holes in the Bedians defence. Phase after phase thanks to some strong carries into heavy traffic from the forward pack relishing the gaps appearing. Bury soon find themselves just camped on the Bedians 22 metre line and deservedly so. Eventually a gap appears big enough for scrum half Oscar Loftus to dart through past some shoddy ruck defence, and with a deft sidestep is able to escape the clutches of the covering full back, a simple walk in for Bury’s first try under the posts. Tom Smith despatches of the simple conversion giving Bury the full 7 points and some real confidence for the remainder of the match. Not 6 minutes later the Bedians defence is slowly becoming more and more stretched especially in the back line leaving gaps too irresistible. Will smith finds himself in possession on the halfway line and with a strong run and fend gets through one aimless defender is able to put his brother away with a simple flat pass for a 25 metre run in (This has been disputed as to where Tom scores from). Bury go 14 – 3 up after Tom smith converts his own kick. Bury with a bigger lead now and feeling ever more confident. Bedians strive to get a foothold back into this game with some courageous probing lines trying to probe the blindside of Burys defence, eventually a wayward pass ends up in the arms of scrum half Oscar Loftus on the halfway line. After gaining bury 10 more metres of field advantage past a weak tackle he spots a charging Ed Watkins and puts the big second row through a gap to go on a bulldozing run through aimless bodies and dot down another try for bury. The conversion is quickly despatched by Tom smith. Bury now 21 – 3 to the good and feeling confident so far.

With half time nearing and bury keeping the relentless pressure up they find themselves in Bedians half again and not allowing the away side the field position with relentless pressure in defence. A hopeful and rather lack luster clearance down field only finds bury hands. A simple shift of the ball down the line with some simple passing set up Richard Walsh for his first try of the game. Bury now leading 26 – 3 to the good. Conversion despatched by Tom Smith to get two more points on the board.

Half Time and Bedians have barely laid a glove on an otherwise resolute Bury defence, the away side took the lead with an early penalty. Since then, bury have largely been on the offensive and scored 4 tries so far. The home side don’t look like stopping either going into the second half.

Under way again and bury start positively finding some joy running at and through the Bedians defence. Full back Sam Norris has had some joy with ball in hand utilising thunderous pace with some quick feet to evade tackles and break defensive lines. Eventually one of these runs pays off brushing off a weak tackle to set Oscar Loftus up for a run in untouched. Bury now with a handsome 31 – 3 lead. Another successful conversion makes it 33 – 3. Bedians need to respond and stary showing some real attacking threat and intend. They hit some hard rucks and eventually find themselves in the Bury half. After some quick ball and bury a bit slow with ruck defence Bedians manage to get over the line and draw a try back. The conversion is good enough and they make the game 33 – 10. Bedians with their heads up start believing again. This confidence is however shot by Bury who have no plans to stop scoring. Ed Watkins finds himself in open field on halfway and a powerful galloping run sets him away, escaping the clutches of the covering winger. Bury score again 38 – 10 with the conversion painfully rebounded off the upright. Almost immediately from kick off Bedians aren’t going anywhere and with more promise this second half they rightfully pull back another try and makes the game 38 – 17 with another successful conversion. Kicking from both teams has been on point so far. Ed Watkins wanting to get another try, keen to run with ball in hand against a tiring Bedians pack who have worked tirelessly and who will be disappointed with the fruits of their labour. This time he turns provider and sets up his second row partner James Swinburn to get his first try of the game. Bury feeling more assured of themselves now leading 43 – 17. Conversion over by Tom Smith.

With the Bedians backline tiring and weary full back Sam Norris receives the ball in his own half and puts the foot down with another lung busting run, scything through defenders. He is untouched to walk in under the posts, making Bury 50 – 17 to the good. Conversion by yet again, Tom Smith. A strong day of kicking for the centre. This time substitute David Kenyon receives the ball on the halfway line and with a strong line and one handed fend and offload out to Ryan Taylor who runs in 20 metres and swan dives over the line gracefully Bury 57 - 17. Conversion just wide by Tom Smith. The Bedians defence now are on their last legs and without remorse Richard Walsh catches a high kick and steamrolls through weak tackles bumping off tacklers left and right. Waltzing through the defence to score another bury try 62 – 17. Conversion 64 – 17 courtesy of Tom Smith. Bedians with 10 minutes to go become desperate and search for some points to close the game out. They end up with a penalty in the bury 22. A tap and go taken quickly and Bedians get a late try. 64 – 22. Bury go back down the other end with some sustained pressure and finding more and more gaps. Bedians only going backwards. Tom Smith sets up Richard Walsh to get another try and complete his hat trick, 69 – 22.

Closing minutes of the game and Bury have a lineout on the Bedians 22 metre line, a bit of a mess is made of the catch however quick thinking from Oscar Loftus sets up Hooker Danny Palmieri to sneak past the bamboozled defence and run in under the posts. Final score is 74 – 22, Bury with a convincing win in the end. Focus now moves to the next game Vs Burnley and Bury will want revenge after a flattering win in the away leg.
Bury 1st Team Sheet

1. Joe Koehler
2. Danny Palmieri
3. Matt Speake
4. Ed Watkins
5. James Swinburn
6. Ethan Marsh
7. Garfieh Cheung
8. Joe Hinchcliffe
9. Oscar Loftus
10. Will Smith
11. Sam Lyth
12. Ryan Taylor
13. Tom Smith
14. Richard Walsh
15. Sam Norris


16. Dave Kenyon
17. Joe Kelly
18. Henry Loftus

Try scorers/Conversions

Oscar loftus x2 Tom Smith x7
Tom Smith
Ed Watkins x3
Richard Walsh x3

Further reading